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towards highmost consciousness
We collaborate with smart and creative people
“I am My Consciousness” (DAI)
DAI5 Framework 5 Core Steps:
1. Deep Awareness of I
2. Intention
3. Initial-Thinking
4. Idealization
5. Instruction-Set
Hello guys, paper pertama DAI5 udah terbit nih..paper ini membahas tentang aplikasi DAI5 dalam penyelesaian studi kasus Mekanika Fluida..Selamat membaca
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Using DAI5, this simulation:✅ Maintains conscious intentionโaligning energy transition with sustainability and ethical responsibility.✅ Uses a structured frameworkโfrom deep awareness to instruction execution.✅ Provides actionable insightsโshowing the impact of different policies and transition rates.✅ Encourages decision-making based on conscious intelligence (CCIT). This Energy Modeling & Simulation can be further refined such as adding policy effects…
Problem Statement How can we develop a sustainable energy solution for decarbonization in transportation, households, industry, and buildings? Solution Using DAI5 Framework 1. DAI (Deep Awareness of ‘I’) Before addressing the problem, we must cultivate deep awareness of our role as conscious beings in this universe, recognizing that energy, resources, and technology are created by…
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DAI5 is a conscious thinking problem-solving framework, developed by Dr. Ahmad Indra (DAI), structured around five core steps:
1. Deep Awareness (of) I:
The foundational step involving a continuous remembrance of The Almighty – The One and Only, The Creator of the Universe and Everything in it. This step emphasizes the individual’s consciousness (soul or nafs within qalb) and self-awareness, aligning actions with the ultimate purpose of knowing and recognizing God. This is the state of “nafs,” which is human fundamental reality serving as the core layer.
2. Intention:
This is the conscious decision or purpose that drives the process. It originates from the heart, which acts as the “heartware” encoding intentions for the rest of the framework. Intention ensures that every problem-solving step is aligned with the Creator’s will.
3. Initial Thinking (about the Problem):
This step includes a thorough analysis and understanding of the problem, ensuring a deep comprehension of its nature, first principle underlying the problem being solved and root causes.
4. Idealization:
This step entails envisioning the optimal solution or outcome, free from current constraints. It allows for creative thinking and the exploration of ideal scenarios, which can later be adjusted to fit practical limitations
In this idealization step, realistic and reliable assumptions are made to simplify and model the problem while ensuring they are reliable, realistic, and aligned with the overarching principles established in the intention.
5. Instruction Set:
This includes the procedures, steps, and iterative methods to implement the solution, with conscious intention continuously guiding actions throughout execution.
The framework emphasizes alignment with a higher purpose and integrates both material and immaterial awareness. It stands apart from traditional frameworks due to its focus on intention and the foundational layer of consciousness (nafs).
In Deep Awareness (of) I step, one exercises and express self-respect and gratitude to The Creator of all things, The One and Only. These creates one’s awareness to the reality of infinity.
The 33 DAI5 Implementation Evaluation Criteria
I. Deep Awareness (of) I (DAI)
1. Consciousness of Purpose: Reflects understanding of the Creator’s role in shaping the case study context.
2. Self-awareness: Demonstrates awareness of personal biases, assumptions, and roles in the analysis.
3. Ethical Considerations: Includes moral and ethical implications in addressing the case study.
4. Integration of CCIT (Cara Cerdas Ingat Tuhan): Maintains remembrance of The Creator throughout the essay.
5. Critical Reflection: Shows depth in connecting technical solutions to broader spiritual and societal impacts.
6. Continuum of Awareness: Evidence of uninterrupted and progressive conscious analysis.
II. Intention
7. Clarity of Intent: States a clear and purposeful intention aligned with the ultimate goal of the Creatorโs recognition.
8. Alignment of Objectives: Aligns case study objectives with higher values and universal principles.
9. Relevance of Intent: Ensures the intention addresses real-world engineering needs effectively.
10. Sustainability Focus: Intends solutions that consider long-term environmental, societal, and economic impacts.
11. Focus on Quality: Demonstrates a conscious intention to prioritize reliability, accuracy, and precision.
III. Initial Thinking (about the Problem)
12. Problem Understanding: Clearly identifies and describes the engineering problem.
13. Stakeholder Awareness: Considers perspectives of all stakeholders impacted by the problem or solution.
14. Contextual Analysis: Places the problem within a relevant physical, social, and technical context.
15. Root Cause Analysis: Identifies underlying causes, not just symptoms of the problem.
16. Relevance of Analysis: Ensures the problem-solving process is grounded in practical and applicable insights.
17. Use of Data and Evidence: Employs credible, accurate, and sufficient data to support problem understanding.
IV. Idealization
18. Assumption Clarity: States all assumptions explicitly and justifies their relevance.
19. Creativity and Innovation: Proposes unique or unconventional idealized solutions while adhering to realism.
20. Physical Realism: Ensures the idealization adheres to physical laws and engineering principles.
21. Alignment with Intent: Ensures idealization aligns with the initial intention and overarching goals.
22. Scalability and Adaptability: Considers whether the idealized solution is scalable and adaptable to different contexts.
23. Simplicity and Elegance: Proposes solutions that are efficient, simple, and elegant while solving complex problems.
V. Instruction (Set)
24. Clarity of Steps: Outlines each step of the solution process clearly and logically.
25. Comprehensiveness: Includes all relevant aspects of the solution, leaving no gaps.
26. Physical Interpretation: Explains the physical meaning of all numerical results or design decisions.
27. Error Minimization: Includes procedures to reduce errors in solution implementation.
28. Verification and Validation: Provides methods for verifying and validating the solution.
29. Iterative Approach: Demonstrates readiness to iterate and refine the solution if needed.
30. Sustainability Integration: Considers sustainable practices within the solution execution.
31. Communication Effectiveness: Presents instructions in a way that is understandable and actionable by others.
32. Alignment with the DAI5 Framework: Maintains coherence with all preceding DAI5 steps.
33. Documentation Quality: Provides clear, complete, and professional documentation of the solution.
DAI5 adalah kerangka pemecahan masalah berbasis kesadaran, dikembangkan oleh Dr. Ahmad Indra (DAI), yang terstruktur dalam lima langkah inti:
Langkah dasar ini melibatkan pengingatan yang terus-menerus kepada Sang Maha Kuasa – Yang Maha Esa, Pencipta Alam Semesta dan segala isinya. Langkah ini menekankan kesadaran individu (atau jiwa/nafs) dan kesadaran diri, menyelaraskan tindakan dengan tujuan utama untuk mengenal dan mengakui Tuhan. Ini adalah keadaan “nafs,” yang berfungsi sebagai lapisan inti.
Ini adalah keputusan atau tujuan sadar yang mendorong proses pemecahan masalah. Niat berasal dari hati, yang berfungsi sebagai “heartware” (perangkat hati) yang mengkodekan niat untuk seluruh kerangka kerja. Niat memastikan bahwa setiap langkah pemecahan masalah selaras dengan kehendak Sang Pencipta.
Langkah ini mencakup analisis dan pemahaman mendalam tentang masalah, memastikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang sifat dan akar penyebabnya.
Pada langkah ini, asumsi dibuat untuk menyederhanakan dan memodelkan masalah, sambil memastikan bahwa asumsi tersebut dapat diandalkan, realistis, dan selaras dengan prinsip-prinsip yang telah ditetapkan dalam niat.
Ini mencakup prosedur, langkah-langkah, dan metode iteratif untuk menerapkan solusi, dengan niat sadar yang terus membimbing tindakan selama pelaksanaan.
Kerangka ini menekankan keselarasan dengan tujuan yang lebih tinggi dan mengintegrasikan kesadaran teknis dan spiritual. DAI5 berbeda dari kerangka tradisional karena fokusnya pada niat dan lapisan dasar kesadaran (nafs).
Penjelasan Singkat:
DAI5 adalah pendekatan pemecahan masalah yang unik karena menggabungkan aspek spiritual (kesadaran diri dan niat) dengan langkah-langkah teknis yang sistematis. Ini menekankan pentingnya kesadaran akan Tuhan dan keselarasan dengan kehendak-Nya dalam setiap proses pemecahan masalah.
The display employs new techniques and technology to precisely follow the curves of the design, all the way to the elegantly rounded corners.
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We collaborate with smart and creative people to build awesome WordPress Full Site Editing Themes.